Monday, August 25, 2014

The art of inception

Hello to you, who accidentally stumbled across this piece of sheet.

This post is about a research finding based upon Christopher Nolan's Inception.
Ever since I saw the movie,it intrigued me to figure out a way to plant dreams in my own head,because honestly- I never dream!All my nights are simply dreamless blank resting endeavors.And one night,while wetting my pants in bed,I hit upon the formula!

As it turns out,you don't need to do anything.Your brain will plant a dream in order to fulfill an urge.Suppose you want to void your bladder,you are asleep, and you have sub consciously instructed your body- not to get up! Also,you have been trained to pee only in the toilet.Your brain knows this,and thus it weaves a web of illusion, in HD!

The dream starts with you sleeping in your room,in your bed, in your most usual posture.Not an iota of doubt can linger in the mind of the beholder.All the settings are exactly the same as you left them.Then you get up as normally as you can and walk to the toilet.Soon enough,you realize the warmth slowly engulfing you. Before you know it, tadaa----- You have successfully peed your pants.You wake up again,distraught in a pool of urine, only to realize that your own brain has tricked you into this.While you surely hate this,you cannot but admire the detail and sheer genius of this illusion.

But this is not all.This was just planting a single dream.What about a dream within a dream?
While peeing induces reflexes that are enough to wake you up even from the deepest slumber,salivating or spitting can only bring you out of one level.So picture this-

You are in a restaurant with your partner.It's very romantic.You're having the most amazing time of your life.You don't remember how you came here,but who cares?You go to the washroom,but before washing your face,you decide to spit in the fancy bowl with a tap,because its cool.As soon as you spit,you wake up in your bed,and realize what's happened.So you get up,go to the wash basin,spit out your saliva again,and behold---you wake up again! And that is when you realize what your brain is capable of.

So there you have it.Now you know the secret of inception.Search for slower triggers and plant higher levels of nested dreams! And in the meantime,induce your own dreams,wet your bed and enjoy!

I wonder what Christopher Nolan did to figure this out? : / )

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